Friday, December 30, 2011

Day 1 - One Night In Bangkok

In the evening, we went to the night market on Khao San Road. We travelled there via Tuk-Tuk, a three-wheeled hell cab which is a common form of transportation in Bangkok, and usually gets you there sooner than a normal cab (especially in traffic). Tuk-Tuk drivers are very aggressive - the ride is an action-packed adventure of close calls and near misses. I captured a little bit on video (click on the following link):
Tuk-Tuk video

After dinner and a bit of walking around the market, we decided to grab another Tuk-Tuk back to the hotel (jet lag had definitely set in). We had been warned in the guidebook that some Tuk-Tuk drivers will try and drop you off at shops on the way to your destination because they get kickbacks from their friends who own the shops. This happened to be one of those rides. This driver was persistent, and would continue to ask us in different ways if we wanted to go to some tailor or some seafood restaurant (even though we told him we had just eaten). Since I could not understand the driver's english very well, I apparently accepted the seafood restaurant invitation a few times (I thought he was simply asking if I liked seafood, to which I would respond "yes!"). Kim, who understands broken English very well, would jump in and fix things before I got us into too much trouble.

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