Friday, January 6, 2012

Days 6 and 7 - Halong Bay, Vietnam

Today we made the trip from Hanoi for a one night cruise on Halong Bay. We stayed aboard a luxury junk (a type of boat, not a piece of junk), and our room had a great view.

The bay is full of islands and limestone outcroppings, and even though the weather was a little crummy, it was still beautiful. Many famous movies have been filmed here.

We visited a floating fishing village and pearl farm in the afternoon.

The floating school:

The floating 7-11:

Floating pets:

Modern conveniences:

The next morning we went to see Surprise Cave.

Here's a rock formation in the cave they told us was named "the finger," but you decide for yourself:

On our way back, we saw some wild monkeys!

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