Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Day 38 - Rome, Italy

For our last day in Rome, we decided to take it easy. We made it up to the Piazza di Popolo (which Brian likes to call Piazza Poopalo) and visited the church Santa Maria del Popolo to see some amazing Caravaggio paintings in the Cerasi Chapel.

Then we wandered around the Borghese gardens and happened upon some great views of the city (that’s St. Peter’s dome back there – it’s just huge)!

Later that night, for Apertivo and dinner, we explored the Trastevere neighborhood, a less touristed area on the other side of the Tiber. While there, we popped in to see Santa Maria in Trastevere, the oldest church in Rome. Its covered with Byzantine-era mosaics, and its nave is framed by “recycled” Roman columns.


  1. Hi, Brian and Kim. I'm Matt Hand's mother who has been following your delightful blog with a great deal of interest. (Jennifer sent me the link.) Your travelogue is most informative, honest, sometimes quite humorous with beautiful photos. I look forward to each new one so keep posting your great adventures!
    Jeanne Hand

  2. Glad you're enjoying it. We're a little behind right now, but we're trying to get caught up. - Kim
