Monday, September 14, 2009

Day 51 - Nice, France

After arriving at the Venice airport early this morning via water bus, our flight to Nice was delayed and finally cancelled. At first, we thought we’d be “stuck” in Venice another night. However, they finally got us booked on a flight with a different airline. This flight was not direct, so we’d be getting in much later. . . the full day in Nice was now becoming just a night (altering our plans).

Since we got in so late, we decided to ditch getting a rental car (we had planned to drive to other cities the following day). We ate dinner at a very good place right by our hotel. We started the meal with a rosé, which is a popular wine of the region (Cote d’ Azur). We realized it was our first non-Italian meal in 3 weeks (the French food was a nice change . . . I made sure to get some French fries)!

Following dinner we walked along the Promenade de Anglais, then called it a day (we were beat from the 12 hours of travel).

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