Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Day 31 - Capri, Italy

After a 30 min ferry ride, we landed on the Island of Capri (emphasis on the 1st syllable). Once on Capri, we decided to visit the Blue Grotto, which is a cave where the water is an unbelievable electric blue color. To get to the Blue Grotto, we took another boat. Once we were outside the cave, we had to hop in yet a 3rd (smaller) boat to fit inside the cave.

After this, we sailed around the entire island to see the “craggy” cliffs and beautiful sites. For the remainder of the day, we hung out up in Capri Town, which is a short funicular ride from the harbor. Capri Town is pretty posh and is home to numerous upscale designer shops. We had our best meal yet in Italy at Ristorante di Gemma – Ravioli alla Caprese (delicious!). We followed this up with tasty pastries in town.

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