Ravello was absolutely beautiful and had awesome views! I can’t describe it. And unfortunately, we forgot the camera battery today so we didn't get to take any pics!! Bummer. In any case, here's a stock photo we snatched off the web showing the view:

When we got back, we decided to cool off at the Amalfi beach. Great decision.
Additional thoughts/notes:
- I think I can capture the typical male Italian attire with the following description: White walking shoes (no socks), bathing suit shorts, unbuttoned polo shirt (extra credit if you pop the collar), and over-sized sunglasses. Solid.
- The maid services at Italian hotels go above and beyond making the bed and cleaning the bathroom. They put your belongings in the “right” places and fold your pile of clothes, like Mom would. Whenever we came back in the afternoon, it was like a scavenger hunt to find which drawers were housing our belongings. In a way, I like it, but in another way, I now feel guilty about wadding up a shirt and tossing it on the floor.
"No time is the wrong time for gelatto." I love this statement! Gelato in Italy is incredible. I ate it basically every day, often twice a day, when I was there. Good times.